Where Do We Head Next?

When the project “Inclusion From Square One” was first created, I’ll be pretty honest, I was thinking a “one and done” sort of thing. I was pretty certain that all the research that was current and historical was already easily found between the four of us all we would do would be have to cite one source and tell folks that this magic button was sitting there.

The logistics were always at the forefront of my thoughts though. At one point we’d be hosting from all our respective sites. And then in a chat with Nicole, I really did think having a separate website was useful so I got that set up. And then we started pulling together our ideas. I looked at the list we created. Even if we had posted every day in April cross posting across the sites, we wouldn’t have had enough days between the four of us, ignoring the holidays in April, both secular and religious in nature, to just get it all out.

And then I had a thought.

What if we came back?

Over and over again.


For you.

For us.

For everyone who ever had the thought of, “Why doesn’t this exist already?” Because it probably does. And because someone doesn’t actually know how to get it to the folks who know how to share and let other folks know about it.

We have plans over the next year to return. Not just myself, Nicole, Beth, Tim, and Amanda. I’m pretty darned excited about who is about to come and join us.

What if we came back? Over and over again. Here. For you. For us. For everyone who ever had the thought of, “Why doesn’t this exist already?”


Inclusion does not rely on one voice. Inclusion is everyone at the table. We will return again soon, look for us in July 2019.

Keep up with us via social media– Twitter @inclusionone and on Facebook. Thank you all for an amazing month of April. We shall return and provide more connections.

May 21, 2019

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